Our Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Adapt to these unique times with a new way to engage your team.

More and more people are learning to work from home; managers are faced with supervising their staffs from a distance; and the majority of our business interactions are on-line. With so many back-to-back meetings and little additional time, “burn out” is a word we’re all started to hear – which can make engaging and motivating staff a real challenge.

struggling to connect with your team virtually?

That’s where we come in!

It seems the main thing we’ve lost in these challenging times is connection – a feeling of comradery and association with co-workers. And with more and more of us working remotely things like team building; enhancing personal creativity; and fostering resilience are more important than ever.

going beyond on-site and in-person seminars.

IMPROV + ABILITY offers online educational services built on both the tenets of improvisation and decades of experience in business management and staff training. We’ve done small group ZOOM webinars, ‘Lunch n’ Learns’, and even remote happy hours – basically fitting into any format, schedule or budget to provide our clients with enhanced adaptability, team bonding, creative thinking, and active listening. Through targeted coaching, stories, and even some improv games we can help engage, educate, and motivate your staff. And we even have fun doing it…which is something we can all use a little more of right now.

Let us show you how we can help. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have. Stay safe!